Sunday 12 June 2016

The Top 10 Aria Lines [From Pretty Little Liars]

What's an A to do? Aria that is. Ms Montgomery has had quite a few shocking storylines on the show, and of course, there's the whole Ezria romance that seems like quite the tumultuous train wreck. But with all this drama comes good dialogue - and Aria has some really quirky and abrupt lines. Therefore it seems only natural that the alternative former teen be our next character in this 'Top 10 - PLL Edition' feature. Check out our other editions: Hanna Marin // Spencer Hastings // Emily Fields // Mona Vanderwaal // Alison DiLaurentis.

10: Sparia Wars: The Mona AwAkens

In the quaint little town of Rosewood, every girl needs her friends, and in this particular episode, everyone needed the brains of Spencer, but unfortunately, she had her own problems to be deadline with. Aria's attempt at consoling Spencer and getting her to come out of the cubicle was ultimately futile, but it did inject some much needed Sparia into our lives. The importance of Team Sparia cannot be denied in this instance, as we were on the brink of Mona's downfall, and every one needed to band together to uncover the truth. Side note: Are the bathrooms some sort of safe haven in schools now? Mine was always particularly grotty so I can't imagine any student retreating there for sanctuary. I'd take my chances with A, to be honest. [Episode 2x20]

9: Cat and Mouse

Oh Aria, you do make us laugh with your zany one liners. But hey, she's got a point. In this case, it was about lip gloss and hair but we think it could definitely be applied to a multitude of situations. Look at Aria, so thoughtful with all her helpful statements. The subtle delivery of this line perhaps makes it one of the most memorable though: look at that face. Genius. [Episode 2x06]

8: We'll Be A Perfect Family

Well, I think it's safe to say that Aria certainly won't have fond memories of playing with her Barbies ever again (although, we're thinking Aria was more of a Bratz girl). As if being stalked and physically attacked wasn't enough, A is amping up the psychological torture in Season 6 by recreating Aria's very own room for her to live, in A's private dollhouse. How thoughtful! Look, it's even got the same wallpaper, and curtains and faux sunlight...and...wait a minute. Jeez, this is really creepy. You think they could have done a better job with paint. Alas, Aria's stint in the dollhouse was short-lived (by series standards), but we love her defiance with this quote, and quite frankly, someone needed to say it. People aren't dolls, A! Did Ella not say that already? When is this going to sink in. [Episode 6x04]

7: The PLL Motto

This should be printed on t-shirts, banners, automobiles - pretty much anything you can find in Rosewood, as everyone seems to forget that this is the case. The eternal question of "how well do you actually know this person?" looms over the enigmatic town, and we can't help but wonder how no one seems to have grasped this concept yet. If I lived there, I would be just permanently suspicious of everyone. Seriously. Show me your birth certificate, driver's license, give me a blood sample - I need to know who exactly you are before we can even converse. Y'know, for safety reasons. [Episode 1x17]

6: Wrong Use of a Dinglehopper, Aria-el

Well, who wouldn't want to stick a fork in their neck (or have someone else do it for them) when they find out their dad's psychotic fling is teaching their class? No one...probably. This is pretty much classic Aria, and we love it. Quick, abrupt, and to the point. [Episode 3x14]

5: Unconventional Cream Tea

I don't think the standard British cream tea of scones and jam usually includes said crushing of the scones, but we'll let Aria be the ultimate decider on this one. But hey, we love of bit of mother/daughter love. There's not enough of PLL mums in the season, so it's always nice for these little moments where the Liars actually acknowledge - and stand up for - their mums. [Episode 3x10]

4: I Will Go Down With This Ship

In this whole-hearted scene between Byron and Aria, it was quite clear that she was not talking about her dad and her mum, but instead about herself and Ezra, but of course no one really got the jist. This double meaning quote is perhaps one of the most meaningful of the shows, and certainly the first season, as Aria and Ezra struggle to establish what exactly their relationship is, and whether it's entirely appropriate (hint: probably not). [Episode 1x07]

3: Green Is Not A Creative Colour

What is it with some of the most well-thought out and constructed lines being constructed around Hanna's persona? Whatever it is, this one was pure gold. Let there be nothing else said. [Episode 5x04]

2: OutlAst

Essentially the plot of the popular horror game, this quintessential PLL quote was absolutely on point - and practical! If Scooby Doo has taught us anything, it's that you should never, ever, split up when traversing around scary and/or abandoned buildings, and definitely don't start out on your own! But never fear, Aria is always on hand to be the bravest cookie in the box. [Episode 3x07]

1: The Blind Leading the Blind

Is anyone noticing a pattern that Aria seems to be particularly on form in Season 3, quote wise? Like seriously, these are some impressive additions. Season 3 Aria is our favourite Aria, for sure. Possibly one of the most (if not the most) memorable quotes from the serious has to be the ridiculously hilarious "bitch can see" and perhaps the slightly more hilarious "I'm ready to hang a sign" that precedes this. The revelation that Jenna can actually partially see, having regained her sight, was one of the most dramatic moments in PLL history and in this instance, Aria spoke for all of us. SHE CAN SEE! WE KNEW IT! Er, sorry. [Episode 3x02]

We almost don't want this journey through the Top 10 Aria Lines to end, but alas, we have arrived at our final destination. If you have any personal Aria faves that you think should have made our list, then let us know in the comments. And check out the previous instalments, you know, if you're interested. Later, bitches. -A

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