Friday 8 November 2013

The Big Bang Theory - Season 7, Episode 7 'The Proton Displacement' [Recap + Review]

After a week's hiatus, The Big Bang Theory was back at it was a battle of the science professors (sort of). Bob Newhart and Billy Nye featured in the episode as Professor Proton and Bill Nye The Science Guy, respectively. The episode featured a whole heap of funny moments from Penny playing around with glue like a 4 year old, to Raj getting upset about girls night, to Amy trying to explain to Sheldon that he is annoying and of course, Sheldon interrogating Professor Proton about what type of medication he is taking. For a more in depth recap, see below:

Ok, so the episode kicked off with Sheldon, Amy and Leonard perusing the isles at a convenience store for Sheldon's medication, and surprise surprise, Sheldon is super happy about all the options available. But who else could possibly be shopping at the store but Professor Proton/Arthur! Sheldon bounds over to Arthur like a happy spaniel, despite the insistence from his friends not to. Sheldon introduces Amy as his girlfriend leading Arthur to be bewildered that he has one, however, as soon as Amy starts talking he realises why (also, Amy and Arthur are wearing matching shoes - how lovely!). Leonard re introduces himself and then Sheldon interrogates Arthur about his medication. Later on, Raj and Howard discuss Raj going to girls night, and Howard mocks him. Leonard and Sheldon come over and Leonard receives an email from Arthur who wants him to look over a science paper, leaving Sheldon bemused and slightly annoyed as to why he didn't ask him.

Back in Sheldon's apartment later, Amy tries to explain to Sheldon why this may be, but Sheldon rebuffs the idea saying he has learnt the three social necessities which include a coy face, a friendly chuckle and an air of sympathy (which Sheldon can't really master). Amy explains that he may have found Sheldon a bit too much, leaving Sheldon to pester Amy about whether it's because he is annoying, and he pretty much chases her straight out of the door. Later, Raj and the girls are making bracelets and Penny is getting en-ravelled in the glue. It's a pretty sticky affair. 

Howard then shows up and says he can find better equipment for the gang to use, leaving Raj annoyed. Sheldon later goes over to Arthur's house to try and apologise for being annoying, but it doesn't really end well, leaving Sheldon to outsource to another science personality, Bill Nye The Science Guy, who Professor Proton doesn't receive well. Back at another girls night, Howard arrives with more fun gadgets for everyone to use and continues to joke about Raj, who then exclaims how upset he is, leaving Howard to comfort him and Amy to remark that they'll probably have sex before her and Sheldon do. 

Also fun in the scene was Penny's eagerness to use the blow torch, leaving Bernadette to exclaim that its probably best she doesn't, if she can't master glue. Back at Caltech science labs, Arthur is continuing to receive help from Leonard whilst Sheldon sends him pictures of himself and Bill Nye drinking smoothies. Arthur asks Leonard why he is still friends with Sheldon and Leonard says its because they need each other, no sooner than he says that, he receives another text from Sheldon needing Leonard to come get him because he has been abandoned by Bill Nye. Later on, Arthur stops by Sheldon's apartment and apologises and asks for his help on his science paper, which Sheldon agrees to. Arthur then sees that Penny is in the apartment and eagerly wanders in for some company. The episode ends with Arthur asking Penny is she has any single grandmothers. 

Oh Professor Proton! The next episode is entitled 'The Itchy Brain Stimulation' and here is a brief synopsis: 'Leonard attempts to try and keep Sheldon from overreacting to a mistake, forcing Sheldon to make Leonard experience first hand what it's like to be him. Penny runs into Raj's ex-girlfriend Lucy.' So, what do we think will happen? Will Penny chide Lucy for ditching Raj and will Leonard be able to cope being essentially Sheldon? Only time will tell! 

Recap and review by Mel. 

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