Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Top 10 Hanna Lines [From Pretty Little Liars]

Chances are, if you've ever watched Pretty Little Liars, you've probably thought to yourself, "damn, Hanna has some great lines", and if you haven't, then you're not doing 'PLL Time' right. Yes, Ms Marin is very quotable and you better believe Ashley Benson delivers them with the gusto they deserve, making her character one of the most recognisable and downright delightful characters on the show. You can always count on Hanna to come up with something zany and food related, and at times, actually rather witty. All of this being said, you can probably guess why we are making a Top 10 just for her. But never fear, there will be other editions of this feature specifically for all of the main PLL characters (Alison & Mona included!), to celebrate the upcoming release of the Seventh Season (you're welcome). We'll be ranking them from 10th to 1st but Hanna has some really great lines so let's just say all of them are pretty darn fabulous, and if we could give them all the top position then we would...but we can't. Read the other editions as follows: Spencer Hastings // Aria Montgomery // Emily Fields // Mona Vanderwaal // Alison DiLaurentis. Without further adieu, let's kick it off.

10 - Hanna Loves Her Pasta
"We're all connected, like a big bowl of linguine." 

It's safe to say that the Liars have been through a lot together so it's no wonder that Hanna has some of the best references for her friends, and this quote perhaps best sums up both Hanna's love of carbs and the group's friendship. Perhaps PLL is secretly code for #PrettyLittleLinguine? [Episode 6x19]

9: Hanna + HP? Yes, please 

What do you get when you combine Hanna Marin and a reference to Harry Potter? Pure joy. Hanna's back in the zone and this time she's shelling out those pop culture references for your amusement; girl knows her stuff, and we have to agree. You can't just apparate like Dumbledore, or sneak into a Room of Requirement. That isn't how this shit works. [Episode 4x07]

8: Hanna utilizes her vocabulary

Now, by now we all know that Hanna is actually one smart cookie, when she's not playing dumb or making silly mistakes (hey, we're all human). But in season 3 Hanna was on hand to reassure Aria following a panic attack, and we're pretty sure it worked a treat. Even Spencer was impressed. You go, Hanna. We'll have three sides of jubilation with our linguine, thanks. [Episode 3x01]

7: Hanna and Melissa's baby
"What's next? Hiding in Melissa's closet? Rubbing her belly until the baby confesses?"

When it comes to plans, Hanna can occasionally have moments where she comes up with something absolutely ludicrous, but on other occasions, she really hits the nail on the head. While I'm sure watching the Liars trying to get Melissa (or her fetus) to confess would be hilarious, it's probably not the most practical of approaches. But props to Hanna for highlighting the natural progression of what their conspiring could lead to in a fantastical world. Truly one of the more sarcastic lines Hanna has ever had, and we admire that. [Episode 2x24]

6: Hanna comes to terms with her past

Encouraged by Dr. Sullivan to imagine Alison sitting in the chair opposite her and to say what she would say to her, were she he, Hanna lets it all out in a refreshingly honest fashion. Showing her defiant side, Hanna candidly states to her imaginary friend, "you're gone, and I am so over missing you". You said it Hanna. At this point, we can imagine all the girls have probably had enough of Alison plaguing their existence up until this point, considering all the 'A' business and their pasts. This is why we love Hanna, she just says it how it is - and it has the most effect when she's brutally honest. [Episode 2x04]

5: Leo Hanna and the bear 

While we got what Hanna was saying about Wilden and the situation with her mother, her explanation could have been better, as poor Emily was left horribly confused by Hanna's analogy. But, of course, Hanna went and poked back the bear, in a typically abrasive fashion, and we kind of love her for it. You go wrestle that bear, Hanna. Its almost like The Revenant of Rosewood, with Hanna triumphing like Leo, and both of the bears ending up dead. Damn. [Episode 3x22]

4: Fools and (horse) meat 

Rather simply, nobody messes with Hanna and her friends, and this quote from Season 1 summarises this perfectly. And lets face it, a lot of people die in Rosewood, so this is entirely plausible, and earns it place at number 4 - just missing the top 3 quotes (which are gold). [Episode 1x21]

3: Hanna and Mona face-off 

The beginnings of their fractured friendship following the reconnection of Ali's old friend group, Hanna and Mona have a confrontation in Season 1. Not liking the way Mona is treating Lucas, Hanna comes to his defense in a chat with Mona, arguing that she should have more heart. But of course, she doesn't just say that - she throws in some fantastic Wizard of Oz references as well, making it a truly intensive burn that Mona might want to go see someone about. [Episode 1x09]

2: Hanna and Emily heart-to-heart.

Reminding us that it doesn't matter who you love as long as they make you happy, Hanna reassures Emily that she doesn't care about Emily's sexuality, something that Emily really needed at the time. Besides the endless applicability to current society that this quote has, it was a rare and tender moment between the two friends. [Episode 1x05]

1: That Jenna Moment

Whilst the scene where Hanna slapped Jenna for planting Caleb to spy on her is possibly one of the most memorable moments in PLL history, who can forget the utterly brilliant line Hanna muttered when accosted for her particularly loud footwear. Clacking up Jenna's driveway with the girls ready for their own spying mission, Spencer asks Hanna if she can walk any softer. Because y'know, it wouldn't be good if Jenna heard us coming. Hanna however, simply replies that Jenna cannot hear them because she's blind. Nailed it. As the girls stop to take their own WTF moment, with Emily's eye roll being particularly hilarious, Hanna clarifies herself saying they know what she means. Oh Hanna, we do love you, and we can always count on you for those hilarious one-liners. [Episode 2x08]

And there we have it! There's our list for the Top 10 Hanna Lines, but what are your favourites? What would have made the top of your list? Let us know in the comments! 

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