Thursday 16 June 2016

The Top 10 Emily Lines [From Pretty Little Liars]

Emily Fields. What a star. Athlete, do-gooder, and all round pleasant gal - this is the type of friend you'd be glad to have on your A team. Of course, Emily has had anything but an easy ride, and despite suffering perhaps the most out of everyone in the Liars, she always remains true to herself - and you've gotta give her credit for that. Needless to say, with these harrowing life situations comes some blunt and to-the-point dialogue from Miss Fields, and she often functions as sort of a moral compass for the girls - which, let's face it, they totally need. You can check out the other editions of this particular 'Top 10' series, here: Hanna Marin // Spencer Hastings // Aria Montgomery // Mona Vanderwaal // Alison DiLaurentis.

10: Shawshankin' It Up

In true Andy and Red style, Emily strikes a deep nerve with this one. As always, the applicability is rife, and quite frankly the only thing we'd be dreaming about in Rosewood is how the fuck we can get out of here (and no, moving to Ravenswood is not any better). Seriously, retire to Hawaii or something. Aint nobody got time for A. [Episode 1x01]

9: A Dream Within A Dream

Continuing along with the theme of dreams, Emily's out to dish some real Fields' truths and she's serving them up freshly made. You'll certainly want to take this particular advice, and considering the fact that people can't pop up in your random dreams (unless you're in Inception) unless you allow them to be there, we're betting this is most likely true. Seriously, Emily should have her own advice column or something. Someone write to the Rosewood Chronicle, stat.  [Episode 2x09]

8: And in Rosewood, everything looks bad

Let's just bear in mind that this is ROSEWOOD we live in. The place where everything and everyone looks bad and/or guilty and most of the time it's simply not the case. Usually it's the quiet ones (hint, hint, Melissa, Wren, Lucas, Jenna, Mona etc) that end up being the dodgiest, so best to be cautiously suspicious but perhaps not overly presumptuous. After all, like Emily says, things aren't always what they appear. Get ready for some mystical illusions, Derren Brown style. [Episode 3x18]

7: Neither do we

This simple statement early in Season 1 proves ever more important, and quite frankly, we agree with Emily. What DOES normal feel like anymore? What does it look like? We're so used to seeing people almost being sawn in half, barely escaping explosions, very nearly being burnt to death in house fires and narrowly avoiding being thrown off trains inside wooden boxes that we're not quite sure what a normal episode of PLL would even look like. Perhaps the next ep could just be all the women getting together for a nice meal at the Rose Grille (and no, nothing is poisoned and there's no people in prosthetic masks allowed, thanks). Although that probably wouldn't make for nearly exciting enough TV. C'est La Vie. [Episode 1x02]

6: Smooth Shay

Ouch. And it sure did hurt. But the fact that Emily can look back on that moment and make a joke about it shows how much her character has grown. And all in the space of one season! Emily's really making waves, here. It's a shame the swimming didn't quite pan out, but hey - there's always coaching...or tropical drinks making? Fingers crossed Emily gets back on the horse in the seventh season. [Episode 1x20]

5: What Everyone Wants to Say to Anne Robinson

This was truly a turning point for Emily's character, and it resonated far beyond this mere episode. After spending what seemed like decades being targeted for being the 'weakest member' of the Liars, Emily and the girls finally managed to get some payback, by setting up A (dear, dear, Mona) at which point she gets hit by Hanna's car (payback, anyone?) and drops her phone. This whole plan and Emily's effortless acting (and in turn, Shay Mitchell's) to lure MonA in was truly superb, and this was one of the more triumphant moments in PLL history - and let's face it, there's very few of them. [Episode 2x15]

4: Assumptions

In what seems to be the norm, the assumption of this random college-scout-guy who we can only vaguely recall, that a nice girl like Emily must have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend was particularly hilarious when Emily whipped out this zinger. You tell him, Emily. Soz, guy, she's just not that into you. Also, this marks the progress since the below quote, that Emily can openly state her feelings towards women. Keep rocking, Fields. [Episode 4x05]

3: #Emaya

We feel you, Emily. This touching, raw moment came after the first kiss for Emily and Maya way back when in Season 1 and it still has emotional value now. This was a big moment for the character and the development of Emily as a prominent, openly gay character on television, and this was the beginning of it all - not only for Emily to begin to open up to others, but also embrace this side of herself that she had subdued, especially in her relationship with Ben. Naturally, this quote is versatile enough to mean anything, in the way of having too much in your head, and it's particularly thought-provoking in itself. Don't worry Emily, things will get better.  [Episode 1x04]

2: Not so fragile

We've all wanted to say this at some point. And no more so than Emily. Since the emotional death of Maya, it's understandable why people would want to be cautious around Emily for fear of upsetting her, but sometimes, you just want to feel normal - and for people to treat you the same. The best part of this was that Emily wasn't afraid to say it like it is, and we love her for it. [Episode 3x03]

1: Been There, Done That

Definitely one of the most quotable lines from the entire series, and there's certainly a fair few characters on the show (read: all of them) who might want to take Emily's lead and stop lying. Lest they end up in jail - oh wait, the Liars have already done that, on you, I guess. It makes you realise how many bad situations could have just been avoided if people told each other the truth, as soon as they knew it. There'd certainly be a higher population in Rosewood and probably less psychological trauma. At least Emily is honest (to herself). [Episode 2x02]

We hope you've enjoyed this belated follow-up to the Top 10 PLL Lines - and they'll be more to come soon in the form of Alison's and Mona's edition. Hey, maybe we'll even do one for the guys. I'm sure Caleb, Toby and Ezra have some real zingers lying around somewhere.

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