Sunday 11 May 2014

The Top 10 Movie Princesses [Disney]

Continuing our Top 10 features, we move onto the Top 10 Best Disney Movie Princesses. And don't worry, we have made a Top 10 for the Princesses that are not Disney as well (so look out for that soon!). When compiling this feature, we were first a little unsure about what princesses to include, and what the reasons for the selection might be. Do we go with the most popular? Most interesting? Personal favourites? After much deliberation, we thought we'd go with our personal favourites for a variety of reasons, which we shall list below. So, unfortunately if your favourite Disney Princess doesn't get included in the list, it doesn't mean we haven't considered them - it just means we thought there were others which were more suited to our list. Time to unleash the tiara's! 

10: Giselle (Enchanted)

Our number 10 entry is a sometimes forgotten Disney Princess, the whimsical Giselle, from Enchanted. So, why is Giselle on our list? Well, besides from being from a film which essentially pokes fun at how ridiculous Disney mannerisms are in the real world, Giselle has some great character development in the film, coming from a world in which everything is always delightful. So when Giselle finds herself in our world (i.e. reality) she at first struggles to adapt. However, Giselle's resilient optimism and practical sewing skills manages to see her through any challenge she may face, and a bit of her joy manages to rub off on other characters, as well as those characters having an effect on Giselle herself, who has grown as an individual by the end of the film. Giselle is one of those great princesses who in the end, doesn't feel the need to be a princess, but is instead happy with her new life in our world. In that sense, she is an unusual princess, and deserves her place on our list. 

9: Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries) 

Now this one makes me a little bit conflicted. I adore Mia as a person, and her individual differences and her refusal to fit in with usual societal conventions earns her a space on our list from the outset. However, I can't be the only one who was banging their head on a table when they did the whole 'I know, let's give her a makeover and take off her glasses and she'll totally be princess material' type thing in the movie. Mia would definitely be higher on the list, if they hadn't have stripped her of some of her personality, for the sake of vanity. That being said, Mia has many delightful quirks, and she's a fun, lively addition to our list. 

8: Pocahontas (Pocahontas)

While the film Pocahontas may be riddled with historical inaccuracies, there was one great thing about the movie, and that was its heroine. Pocahontas would be higher on the list, however, we can't help but feel she was overshadowed slightly by John Smith in the film, despite her clearly being the better 'hero'. Pocahontas is a fierce, cheeky and undeniably fun 'princess' (as cited by Disney) and although we hate historical inaccuracies, we love the character of Pocahontas. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of her. 

7: Rapunzel (Tangled)

One of our favourite princesses has to be Rapunzel, from Disney's Tangled. As cute as a button, but deadly when you put a frying pan in her hands, Rapunzel dreams of an exciting world with adventure at every turn. She's daring, loveable and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, plus she possesses a variety of talents such as painting, ventriloquism, chess-playing and baking. With her handy sidekick chameleon in tow, Rapunzel manages to earn a spot on our list at number 7. 

6: Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)

In short, we love all the things that Tiana stands for. Hard work, reliability, endurance and attitude. Tiana isn't afraid to get down and dirty when she's working hard for something she believes in and wants, and we think that's darn admirable. A rather unconventional princess, Tiana is initially a waitress who works several jobs in order to try and open up her own swanky restaurant. We admire Tiana's desire to achieve her dreams, and she has possibly one of the most sensible attitudes of any Disney Princess. Eventually learning to have fun as well as work hard, Tiana represents a balance between hard work and good fun and that's why she earns her place as number 6 on our list. 

5: Merida (Brave) 

Okay, first things first - look at that hair. I mean, it's practically got it's own life force. Yes, let the world be known, we are a fan of Brave's Scottish Princess Merida, and all her bountiful red hair. Whilst we are not a fan of how Disney chose to stylize their princess when it came to her being inducted into the royal princess list (partly because it looks nothing like her), we are a fan of the film version, and specifically, the princess herself. Not content with being married off to some random guy from a rival clan, she defies tradition by fighting for her own hand in marriage, and of course wins. Brave is a film all about mother-daughter relationships, and we love the way in which Merida helps her mother after she accidentally transforms her into a bear - oops. Merida is pretty nifty with a bow and arrow, not to mention riding and bear-fighting, and all of these things secure her spot as number 5 on our list. 

4: Ariel (The Little Mermaid) 

Swimming in at number 4 is of course, Ariel, from the Disney classic, The Little Mermaid. Ariel is an avid collector of human artefacts (not dissimilar to an archaeologist or human collector) and dreams of being able to interact with the human people on land. Unfortunately for Ariel, she is a mermaid and doesn't actually have legs. Ariel, being especially determined and inventive, manages to concoct a plan with a sea witch, who temporarily gives her legs (not the brightest of plans). Ariel is feisty, determined, stubborn and extremely adventurous, and although this may cause her a bit of trouble, she is a lot of fun to watch. 

3: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

It's getting tense as we clamber in to the top 3 positions, and at number 3 is the darling of France, Belle. Belle is a unique princess in the sense that everyone in her town can't seem to believe that she could be so beautiful, and so into reading and books as well, which is apparently some sort of sacrilege. Heaven forbid a girl who is pretty and can read! Besides that, Belle is also pretty clued up on stories and even predicts the own outcome of her own, and to top it all off, she is the Queen of the phrase 'don't judge books by their cover'. Not one to delve into vanity (unlike her counterpart Gaston), Belle is content with anything to do with books and manages to score herself a whole epic library (we call that a win), along with a new castle in which to live in and a prince who loves her for who she is (triple win). Belle manages to save her father and her lover in the film, through her love and compassion, and all of this marks her as a pretty epic princess, worthy of the number 3 spot. 

2: Elsa and Anna (Frozen)

Now, we could have split these two up, and put them on separate positions for this list, but in the name of sisterhood, we thought we'd peg them together. Oh yes, it's (former princess) Elsa and (current princess) Anna, from Disney's smash hit, Frozen. There's not really much to say about this choice, as it is pretty obvious, but we just love Elsa and Anna. Their bond, their sisterly solidarity, their charming personalities - everything is awesome. The two sisters prove that blood can be much thicker than water, and they always look out for each other, even in the face of adversity. Being just pipped at the post by our number 1 Best Disney Movie Princess, Elsa and Anna will forever be remembered as power-house players in the realms of great female characters. 

1: Mulan (Mulan) 

Okay everyone, time to bow down to the saviour of China herself, Mulan. Until the ends of time, we shall forever proclaim Mulan as the Best Disney Movie Princess (as listed by Disney, despite her technical marriage to a General) there is. With heaps of cunning, wit, strength, compassion and bravery, Mulan is a great character who ultimately, saves China from a vicious band of huns, not to mention the various other heroic acts she does in order to protect her father from the fatalities of war. In case you hadn't guessed that Mulan would be our number 1 pick, here it is in all its shining glory, as we rejoice in the character that is Mulan. 

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