Monday 17 March 2014

Once Upon A Time - Season 3, Episode 13 'Witch Hunt' [Review]

 Ok, it's time for everyone to get their 'Once Upon A Time Family Trees' out, and pencil in a new addition - The Wicked Witch of the West - or Zelena, for short. Yes that's right, in this week's episode of the fairytale-based hit show, we find out that good ol' Greenie is in fact, related to the Evil Queen. Shock, horror. Yes, they're sisters, yes, one's green and now we have the two halves of the same Cora-based coin. Unsurprisingly, Regina and Zelena are half sisters, same mother - apparently different father. It comes as no suprises that the speculation mills have begun turning and fans are quickly speculating whether Rumplestiltskin could be the dad. However, it seems pretty unlikely since Rumple appeared to only first meet Cora right before Regina was born, and Zelena claims she was born first and then discarded by Cora - so it seems like maybe he isn't. But anyway! If that wasn't enough to shock you or mildly inspire you to watch the episode/keep reading this lovely review - then there's more! Read our incredibly spoiler-filled recap below: 

Does this necklace compliment my green skin?

The episode kicks off with Zelena/Wicked Witch trying on Regina's bling while her flying monkey pal compliments her. Because you know, flying monkey's have a killer fashion sense. Meanwhile, Regina/Evil Queen is ready to mount an attack on her castle, until the gang are once again interrupted by a flying monkey who is gunning for Regina. 

Unfortunately, Hood's son, Rolan, is in the way and looks pretty set to be eaten/cut up/one of the above, until super-Regina bursts through and sweeps him to safety. And if that wasn't 'good' enough, she turns the monkey into a cute little toy for the boy - awwwww. We're then transported back to Storybrooke where Emma and Co. are trying to decide who cursed them. All evidence points to Regina but Emma is apprehensive. Back in the Enchanted Forest, Regina says she can sneak under the tunnels and disarm the castle's barrier and that the Wicked Witch of the West is behind this. She sets off by herself, but insists she doesn't know her personally. 

You've got a cinnamon kind of face.  

Back in Storybrooke, at Granny's diner, Henry is eating and Ruby is trying desperately not to remember that he likes cinnamon - such a good job. Emma introduces Henry to Mary Margaret and David and Mary Margaret says she knows Emma because they were in prison together, and that she was in for 'banditry'. Seriously, such a good line from the Snow princess. Anyway, Regina is suffering from severe Henry-withdrawal as Emma tries to explain that Henry can't remember her or anything about what happened. 

Regina is clearly hurt and is adamant that she didn't cast the curse as it would mean she wouldn't get to see Henry, as he wouldn't remember her. Meanwhile in the woods, Robin Hood and the merry men are hunting turkeys when Little John gets hauled away by a flying monkey - oh jeez. Emma organises a meeting in the town hall where everyone turns on Regina, believing her to have cast the curse, and she leaves in a puff of purple smoke. 

The Queen and the Thief.

Back in the Enchanted Forest, Regina/Evil Queen prepares to enter her castle through the tunnels, when it is revealed Robin Hood tagged along to make sure she was OK. 

Back in Storybrooke, it is revealed that the whole scenario at the town hall was fake and that Emma and Regina are working together to uncover the truth. They attempt to make another memory potion to help everyone remember. Regina is curious as to why Emma trusts her and she says she knows that Henry is important to her and that she isn't lying. Back in the Enchanted Forest, the Evil Queen and Robin Hood continue their journey into the tunnels and talk about each other's lives, leading to Hood to comment that Regina has a mother's touch so he knows she was a mother to someone before. Regina says that part of her life is lost forever. She is also surprised to find that someone has managed to break her blood magic seal and open her door to the castle crypt. 

I'm a midwife - I swear! 

Back in Storybrooke, Snow is approached in Granny's diner by none other than the Wicked Queen (quite clearly), who claims she is new to this world and was a midwife in the past realm. Snow is eager to learn more as she is expecting her baby and the Wicked Queen says she can help deliver it. Really Snow, really?! This can only end badly. 

In the forest, David, Hood and Hook find Little John and bring him back to the Hospital for treatment - until he turns into a giant flying monkey. No surprises there, then. Back in the Enchanted Forest Regina concocts a sleeping potion in order to sleep away her time without Henry in the hopes that he will wake her up again. Hood tries to stop her but she sticks him to the ground. Regina goes out onto the balcony and is about to administer the potion when none other than the Wicked Queen shows up. 

Sister, Sister! 

It is soon revealed that the two Witches are sisters and that Zelena is jealous of her sister for being brought up by her mother - OK seriously? This woman clearly has no idea what Cora was like, and she should be grateful she wasn't. It also seems that Zelena is annoyed that Rumplestiltskin chose Regina to cast the curse instead of Zelena (wonder what history is there then). The usual ensues, with Regina exclaiming 'Bring it on Greenie!' and Zelena vowing to make Regina's life a misery. The battle is officially on! 

Stake out! 

Meanwhile in Storybrooke, Regina and Emma have failed to make the potion correctly so they come up with a plan to lure the culprit out by claiming that they are close to completing the potion and finding out who is behind this. Thus, Emma and Regina stake out in Emma's yellow bug and soon enough, they see someone rummaging through Regina's stuff. 

Regina casts a spell on the door that means the person can't leave, and they enter to see a cloaked figure who disappears into a green cloud of smoke. Regina is baffled as to who could overcome her blood magic (hint hint, a family relation!). In the Enchanted Forest, the Evil Queen arrives back to Hood and exclaims that she now has something to live for, and that is to make sure the Wicked Queen gets what she deserves. 

You feed the madness and it feeds on you.

Back in Storybrooke, Emma takes Regina to meet Henry. Regina offers to take Henry on a trip around the town, when Hook and David show up. They tell the gang (bar Henry) about the people being turned into flying monkeys. This leaves Emma to come to the (albeit sarcastic) conclusion that it is the Wicked Witch of the West - which Regina confirms. Emma, needless to say, looks a little 'surprised'. 

Emma is curious as to why this Queen wants to come to Storybrooke and we cut screen to see Zelena in some shabby house walking across her back garden with a tray. She goes into a cellar/basement type thing in her back garden and says that someone should eat up. Rather unsurprisingly, look who it is - Rumplestiltskin. He says that she should have never have brought him back and then begins to talk to himself. OK, he's lost it - someone get Belle in here, quick. 

Now that the whole gang (apart from Neal) are back in the town it can only get more intense from here. You'd think now that the gang know they are looking for a Wicked Queen, the 'mysterious' midwife would look like a pretty good suspect right now. Alas - we shall see! Overall the episode was full of snappy remarks by Regina and it was good to see that they didn't prolong Rumplestiltskin's 'departure'. So the pretty big questions at the end of this episode were: 
Who is Zelena's father?
Where the hell is Neal?
Why is Zelena interested in Snow's baby?
Will the townsfolk + Henry regain their memories?
How long will Rumplestiltsin be stuck in his cage for until people realise he's still alive?

The next episode will air next Sunday and is entitled 'The Tower'. You can watch the promo below: 

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